NC Legislative Update

Senate Bill 341 Update 

  • Status:  Oppose ‘every other year’ inspection (not in budget) 
  • Emissions – to be reduced to only Mecklenburg (currently in budget) 

The bill is suggesting safety be moved to every other year and emissions removed with exception to Mecklenburg County.  The ASTA is in continuous conversation with the DMV leadership team.   

The Inspection ‘every other year’ proposal may cross-over to the House May 1st and come before the transportation committee to be heard.  The ASTA leadership team is working with the DMV to stop S341 from moving forward as written.  We are maintaining inspection program suggestions that were ongoing before S341 was proposed.  Obviously, our first business at hand is dealing with S341. 

Scrap Tire Program Adjustments 

  • Tire Retailers will not be charged for direct shipping to recycling centers. 
  • County Facilities to receive more funding. 

New language is being implemented into the ’23 budget with positive effect to Tire Retailers and the Counties that operate the scrap tire program.  The shipping issues were mainly in the western area of the state.  ASTA’s lobbyist credits a few select retailers for bringing attention to the issues at hand.  Senator Dean Proctor (Catawba/Alexander) took up, and led the cause to correct the necessary statute language changes.  ASTA’s leadership has been working on this for quite some time and are most appreciative of Sen. Proctor’s pro-business assistance. 

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