
Legislation to Watch

Your voice counts!  We value your opinion and will include you to the many others like you in our efforts to advocate on behalf of your business’s best interest.  Our two main categories of legislative oversight pertaining to transportation and environmental causes.

Advocating for the Success of Independent Automotive Repair Shops and Tire Dealers

Legislation can significantly impact the operations and profitability of repair shops, tire stores, and distributors of industry related products. Laws and regulations affect multiple types of services a small business can offer, ex; technician training and certification, in addition to the equipment and tools that a shop must use. Staying informed and engaged in the legislative process will provide owners the tools to monitor laws and regulations affecting their businesses to be fair, reasonable, and support the continued growth of our industry. While it is time consuming and difficult for business owners to keep track of every bill introduced, and new regulations that arise, we can help you be compliant and avoid penalties and fines. The ASTA staff works hard to provide you with the information you need to stay informed.

If you see a “Call to Action” alert from us, please read and respond to enable proper legislative action in our lobbying needs to support you!

Compliance and Support

While it is time consuming and difficult for business owners to keep track of every bill introduced, and new regulations that arise, ASTA can help you be compliant and avoid penalties and fines. The ASTA staff works hard to provide you with the information you need to stay informed.

Call to Action

The ASTA will be bringing you up-to-date government affairs information as the ’23 General Assembly Session continues.  We will be monitoring and advocating legislatively to assist and promote the integrity and profitability for your business.

Government Affairs and Legislative Information

Past, Current, and Future initiatives

Who Represents Me?

What about my business?

Vehicle & Transportation Law Changes

Summaries of Various

Scrap Tire Program

Scrap tire enhancement changes

Clarification on Bills

Emissions Elimination and
Inspection Reduction

Catalytic Converters

Possession converter removed 

Statement Required

Vehicle repair estimate and disclosure statement required

News & Articles

Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

As we step into another quarter, I am reminded of the incredible value that our communitybrings not just to our businesses but to each of us as individuals committed to excellence in theautomotive service and tire sales industry. The Automotive Service & Tire...

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Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

As we step into another quarter, I am reminded of the incredible value that our communitybrings not just to our businesses but to each of us as individuals committed to excellence in theautomotive service and tire sales industry. The Automotive Service & Tire...

Leveraging Opportunities for Growth

As we step into another quarter, I am reminded of the incredible value that our communitybrings not just to our businesses but to each of us as individuals committed to excellence in theautomotive service and tire sales industry. The Automotive Service & Tire...

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