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Empowering Technicians: Safety Protocols and Training Essentials for Working on Electric Vehicles
This amazing seminar on Empowering Technicians: Safety Protocols and Training Essentials by Endeavor B2

Embracing the Future: ASTE Evolves into the ASTA Expo
It’s a new dawn, a new day, and we are feeling good! The Automotive Service and Tire Alliance (ASTA), born from the union of the Independent Garage Owners of North Carolina (IGONC) and the North Carolina Tire Dealers (NCTDA), is thrilled to announce a dynamic name change for its flagship event – henceforth, the renowned Automotive Service and Technology Expo will be celebrated as the ASTA Expo!

Diagnostic Distress: Getting Help When and How You Need It
Each time a technician gets bogged down in an extended diagnostic, a good support desk will turn each support session into it’s own version of a one-on-one training class. This is a win-win, as the vehicle gets solved, but the technician gets to learn new diagnostic methodology each time.
But, in order for any diagnostic support call to be effective, the technician must prepare for the call.
This webinar discusses the different ways that a diagnostic and programming support line can help to keep your bays productive and diagnostically efficient in the modern day, with all of the technical challenges technicians face in the bays daily.
We discuss WHEN to call for support, most shops get into costly and serious trouble before they call. We will discuss recommended guidelines and practices for when a tech should engage a support session.
In addition, we’ll discuss proper support protocol, what to prepare for and what most support companies expect, to make the support session more productive.
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NASTAF Update Dear Techs/VSPs…
Dear Techs/VSPs, A helpful hint for techs when reviewing ownership/authorization documents in the field: A Driver's license that had not expired but...

Hey Coach……
Wham! That was the sound I heard as our team called a time out and we huddled at the bench. As we were standing there, I suddenly heard that loud...

ASTA Celebrates Excellence in Our Industry with Member Awards
The conclusion to the Fueling Connections Networking Event on April 21st was a celebration to honor members nominated by those in our community for their outstanding leadership and values.

NC Legislative Update
Senate Bill 341 Update, The bill is suggesting safety be moved to every other year and emissions removed with exception to Mecklenburg County. The ASTA is in continuous conversation with the DMV leadership team.