Celebrating Excellence: Member Awards at Fueling Connections

Celebrating Excellence: Member Awards at Fueling Connections

We are thrilled to announce that the Automotive Service and Tire Alliance will be recognizing excellence within our community by presenting member awards at our upcoming event, Fueling Connections. These awards are a testament to the dedication and hard work of our members, who continuously strive for greatness in their businesses. We are proud to honor those who have demonstrated exceptional commitment and innovation in the automotive service and tire industry.

Fueling Connections is a two-day event tailored for owners of independent automotive service and tire repair shops. It offers a unique opportunity to network with industry peers, enjoy delicious meals, and participate in classes led by The Institute of Automotive Business Excellence on leadership and management.

Don’t miss this chance to connect with fellow shop owners, gain valuable insights, and celebrate the achievements of our members. Register now to secure your spot at Fueling Connections, and join us in celebrating our automotive industry peers.

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GTCC Aims to Address Automotive Technician Shortage

GTCC Aims to Address Automotive Technician Shortage

GREENSBORO, N.C. — There is a nationwide shortage of automotive technicians, which is causing repair times to be longer.

What You Need To Know
The number of graduates completing programs in the automotive sector has dropped 20% since 2020
Most people working in the automotive industry are over the age of 55
Derek Morehead is a first-year student at Guilford Technical Community College
Derek Morehead’s high school automotive class helped determine his future in the automotive industry. He says he took it for fun then shortly fell in love with it.

But these automotive classes aren’t widely available.

“There’s not as many automotive programs and high schools as there used to be. However, from what I’m seeing and hearing is that’s going to make a comeback not only in the automotive sector, but also other aspects of career and technical education like carpentry, electronics and things like that, which is fantastic,” said Guilford Technical Community College Department Chair Jeff Faircloth.

The number of graduates completing programs in the automotive sector has dropped 20% since 2020, according to TechForce Foundation, a nonprofit that guides students into careers as professional technicians.

Now, a first-year student at Guilford Tech, Morehead gets to turn his passion into a career.

“Being able to see what I’m learning actually does matter when I go to work,”
Morehead said. “It definitely makes me more engaged in class acts and more questions.”

Working part-time at Mercedes helps him apply what he’s learned in class.

“It’s nice having to go to school and work at the same time. So like whenever I’m at work, if I don’t understand something, I always can come here and like get a deeper explanation of it than what I could get at work,” Morehead said.

Faircloth added the goal of the automotive program at GTCC is to get students jobs in the industry and help the local economy, as well as help the students be successful.

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Embracing the Future: ASTE Evolves into the ASTA Expo

Embracing the Future: ASTE Evolves into the ASTA Expo

It’s a new dawn, a new day, and we are feeling good! The Automotive Service and Tire Alliance (ASTA), born from the union of the Independent Garage Owners of North Carolina (IGONC) and the North Carolina Tire Dealers (NCTDA), is thrilled to announce a dynamic name change for its flagship event – henceforth, the renowned Automotive Service and Technology Expo will be celebrated as the ASTA Expo! 

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Diagnostic Distress: Getting Help When and How You Need It

Diagnostic Distress: Getting Help When and How You Need It

Each time a technician gets bogged down in an extended diagnostic, a good support desk will turn each support session into it’s own version of a one-on-one training class. This is a win-win, as the vehicle gets solved, but the technician gets to learn new diagnostic methodology each time.
But, in order for any diagnostic support call to be effective, the technician must prepare for the call.
This webinar discusses the different ways that a diagnostic and programming support line can help to keep your bays productive and diagnostically efficient in the modern day, with all of the technical challenges technicians face in the bays daily.
We discuss WHEN to call for support, most shops get into costly and serious trouble before they call. We will discuss recommended guidelines and practices for when a tech should engage a support session.
In addition, we’ll discuss proper support protocol, what to prepare for and what most support companies expect, to make the support session more productive.

Registration URL

Webinar ID

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ASTE Update

ASTE Update

Raleigh, July 17, 2023 – The Automotive Service and Tire Alliance is excited to announce the premier automotive trade show, Automotive Service...

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